Saturday 9 June 2018

The Week that was, 20180609


First and foremost, I am incredibly grateful for the wonderful rain that we are currently experiencing in Cape Town. 

My 'proud ' moment for the week was spotting my book at Exclusive Books at the OR Tambo domestic departure terminal. It is also at the international terminal. [Also available at Takealot].


I started reading this book years ago, then lost interest when I reached a chapter about planning for retirement; not that I don't think it is important, it was just that Suze makes a lot of American references, not relevant to us in South Africa. The other day I saw the book on my bookshelf, and it irks me to have a half-read book 'staring' at me.  What I should have done initially was just to skip over that chapter, which I did this time around.  

There are three key lessons for me from this book: the first part of the book helped me to understand my relationship and thinking about money. She takes you through an exercise that digs deep to help you understand this relationship. 

The next lesson is the importance of respecting money; this really resonated with me, as 'respect' is one of our core values at Reputation Matters.  This links to Suze's second law of financial freedom: Respect attracts money ~ disrespect repels money. 

The third lesson is trusting yourself with your money. I've had a financial advisor for years, recently I started feeling that I have been taken for a ride; I only hear from him once a year when my investments need to be renewed/reviewed and he obviously gets a commission from it. He does not listen to a word I say, and I am doubtful that after 15 years he actually knows what it is we do. Suze encourages people to listen to their gut feeling, and I think that is the reason this book has crossed my path again, giving me that 'virtual' nod that you need to listen to that inner voice especially when it comes to investments and financial planning. 

I attended the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa (IoDSA)'s AGM, the guest speaker during lunch was Andries Keun, Managing Director: Africa at Thomas International. He quoted the following from Robert Fulghum's All I Really Need to Know I learned in Kindergarten:
  • Share everything
  • Play fair
  • Don't hit people
  • Put things back where you found them
  • Clean up your own mess
  • Don't take things that aren't yours
  • Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody
  • Wash your hands before you eat
  • Flush
  • Wam cookies and cold milk are good for you
  • Live a balanced life ~ learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some
  • Take a nap every afternoon
  • When you go out in the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together
  • Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that
  • Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup ~ they all die, and so do we.


Saw this in the Daily Maverick newsletter:


Have fun and enjoy every single moment to it's fullest, jump for joy! [...and as per previous weeks, continue on my AfriCAN mission.]

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