Wednesday 15 December 2021

Audiobook: Ikigai The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles

This short audiobook (3hours 15 minutes) has some incredibly valuable insights. 

Ikigai is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living; it's also about the art of living.

Here are some of the notes that I made: 

An active mind = youthful body.

Happiness depends on:

  • You should only eat until you are 80% full (much easier said than done!)
  • The relationships that you have with those around you
  • The relationships with your family
  • Having a purpose in life

Routine stagnates, do things in a new way, the brain will create new neural paths. Expose yourself to change.

Stress leads to premature aging.

If you keep your fingers working, 100 years will come to you.

Logotherapy (a scientifically based school of psychotherapy, is based on the belief that the search for meaning even amidst misery can constitute a potential solution to human suffering. Meaning can be found by creating a work, loving someone, or adopting a modified attitude toward inevitable suffering.) Victor Frankl would ask his patients “Why do you not commit suicide?” when they first come to see him. This helps them to identify a reason to live. [This does feel quite extreme! But, if it helps someone to find their purpose, and it worked for Victor Frankl, who am I to argue]. .

“Everything can be taken from you except your attitude” 

~ Victor Frankl ~ 

Morita therapy says: we can’t control our emotions, but we can control our actions.

Food is the least important thing, food won't let you live longer, the secret is smiling and having a good time.

'The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for

George Washington Burnap ~

Do many different things each day, stay busy but doing one thing at a time without getting overwhelmed.

I like the idea and suggestion of having 'good riddance goals'.

There is no perfect strategy to connect with our Ikigai. Life is not a problem that needs to be solved.

Keep busy with things you love doing surrounded by people that love you

  1. Stay active, don't retire
  2. Take it slow, being in a hurry is in proportion to quality of life. Walk slowly and you will go far. Leave urgency behind.  
  3. Don't fill your stomach. 
  4. Surround yourself with good friends. Friends are the best medicine.
  5. Stay in shape. Get fit for your next birthday.  
  6. Smile. A cheerful attitude is not only relaxing helps you make friends. 
  7. Connect with nature
  8. Give thanks
  9. Live in the moment. Stop fearing the future and regretting the past. Today is all you have. Make the most of it. Make it worth remembering
  10. Follow your Ikigai 

Highly recommendable 5/5