Saturday 4 April 2020

The week that was 20200404


I am so incredibly proud of, and grateful for my AMAZING team! We did not let the lockdown get us down this week.
What did we do this week during lockdown? We wrote an ebook!
Let me know if you would like us to send you a FREE copy: 

We also had our Q1 review and plotted and planned for Q2. Very grateful for technology and that our virtual office runs so smoothly.  

Proud and grateful for being part of the ECCO Network. We represent South Africa in this network of owner based communication agencies. Earlier this week we had our first online meeting. Twenty agencies across the globe were represented. Quite an eye opener and incredibly interesting to hear what all the agencies are experiencing and contending with during the pandemic. 

Last week I baked a chocolate cake (was marginally better than the carrot cake), while Mark went to the store to buy provisions for the house. As I was mixing the batter, I realised how grateful I am that it's not a war situation that we are contending with. My great grandparents fought in the Anglo Boer War (in fact my great grandmother was in a concentration camp). Husbands would leave their families alone on the farm, and the wives would not know whether their husbands were safe, would return home or when  they would see each other again. I just thought to myself how grateful I am to be at home baking a cake and that Mark would be returning shortly from the store. It's definitely not great to be in lockdown and not being able to go for a run or cycle. But, I will take it any day of the week, knowing that all loved ones are safe at home. 


I am incredibly grateful for the amazing view we have of Hout Bay. I do think it is what is keeping me sane. 


Not only do we have incredible views. Last weekend, and on Friday afternoon, Ard Matthews (from Just Jinger fame), treated the Bay to a roof top concert. It was beautiful. He has raised over R40 000 for those less fortunate during this time. [Photo from Facebook, a bit tree is slap bang infront of our view :)]


You can achieve absolutely anything that you put your mind to. 


Attended a great flexibility session that Sabine from our running club, Hout Bay Harriers, is hosting weekly during the lockdown.

Main lesson / realisation: I am definitely not as flexible as I thought I was. I also found a skipping rope; I'm definitely not skipping fit!


"Readi gives us somplace to go when we have to stay where we are," Mason Cooley


The past few mornings I have been enjoying my cup of coffee with Jack Welch. Love learning how the great business people ran their businesses. Great advice and insights!


The memes continue and I am sure that they will for a while.
Some brands have been so clever:



My Mom shared a few images of people finding creative ways to protect themselves:

Another one: 

Last one, and perhaps my favourite one Grant Wood's American Gothic representation:

Please keep safe and healthy!

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