Saturday 21 September 2019

The week that was 20190921


Yesterday, 20 September 2006, (13 years ago!) Mark and I met at Jimmy's Killer Prawns in Bedfordview. It was a blind date that Mark and I only cottoned on to when we arrived. If it wasn't for the prawns I would have bolted soon after arriving. It was rather noisy so the conversation was strained because I didn't realise that Mark has Tinnitus; I couldn't wait to leave. I must admit that I was however rather impressed when he walked with me to my car at the end of the evening. During that walk, I realised just how tall he is, and I remember thinking to myself..."Mmm...not bad...". Said our good byes and I really didn't think that we would see each other again. A day later, I received a phone call from him inviting me to another evening of prawns. Fortunately I am a massive fan of prawns (I did learn years later, that Mark does not like prawns at all!). I have also become a massive fan of Mark. I am so grateful for his love, support, sense of humour and for keeping me grounded. [...the photo above is definitely not from the first evening]. 

I am so proud of Chanell Kemp, reputation specialist on our team's article on the importance of having a communication policy and for the media we've received for it this week. 

Last Sunday Thérèse and I completed the Sanlam 10km Peace run. I can't believe that it was four years ago that we participated in the full marathon. I am rather grateful for only doing the 10km this year. I was super chuffed with my time of 01:04, that elusive 10 kms in an hour is in sight...

Throughout the Sanlam 10km Peace run, I kept repeating to myself, "focus on your own run" in the past I have always worried when people over took me and I would be so much more focussed on the others; this time I focussed on my own race, and had so much more fun!



I'm currently reading "Public Speaking & Influencing Men in Business," Dale Carnegie.  I had a giggle... I've often heard the advice for public speaking, imagine your audience as being naked;  love Dale's advice instead, he recommends that you imagine your audience owing you money!

Yesterday while driving I was introduced to "Boet Fighter" on 5fm. I've not been able to find the podcast of the interview, which was incredibly entertaining. What I could find is the trailer for the new game to give you an idea what "Boet Fighter" is about.

What got me giggling from the interview (Boet Fighter is a lekker oke from Fourways, alpha alpha male...when asked what his challenges are, without hesitation...maths...)

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