Saturday 21 July 2018

The week that was 20180721


For some time I have wanted to develop something for informal traders to market their services. Seeing all the people stand at the traffic light in the hope that someone takes their piece of paper containing their credentials, breaks my heart. Hout Bay has a wealth of talented plumbers, electricians, builders, gardeners, housekeepers etc., but they don't necessarily have the means to market themselves. I wanted to create a platform where if you, for example, need a plumber, you can see all the plumbers that are in the area; ideally with a reference or two. The long-term plan is to work with these entrepreneurs to help them build their businesses so that they can afford their own websites and start hiring and empowering individuals from the site. 

I've spoken to quite a few people about it, and most told me that there is already something like that being done and/or being developed. Truth be told, I was not going to let this deter me; I just knew that this is something that I wanted to pursue. I am therefore absolutely THRILLED that we did a soft launch of "At Your Service Hout Bay" this week; on 18 July 2018, and to be even more specific on Mandela Day.

It is a work in progress with continuous tweaks and changes. When we launched on Wednesday, we had 12 trades listed.  From inputs received from the Hout Bay community, we now have 17 listed! They include: Bakers | Builders & Handymen | Caterers | Housekeeping | Dog Walking | Electricians | Gardening | Nannys | Painters | Plumbers | Extra Pair of Hands | Gifts | Removals | Upholsterers | Administrators | Computer support | Drivers.

This is purely a marketing site, fees and quality of service is between the employer and employee. If I do, however, receive three bad reviews of someone, they will be removed from the site.

Please have a look at the site, I will really appreciate your feedback and any ideas to improve it will be most welcome.
This is another piece of the MAD puzzle; I'm starting with getting it set up and refined in Hout Bay, with the view of using it as a blueprint across the country and continent.

The  Moboom team have been absolutely amazing with their support, and I will be ever grateful to them. [The minute you need a website designed, let me know and we'll help you come up with an AMAZING and cost-effective solution.]
Don't be deterred by other people's negativity, follow that which lights the fire inside you. 

This is most definitely how I feel about camping. I also love quoting my next door neighbour, Shona, that when I go camping the only stars I want to see are a minimum of three. 

Not really a quote, but definitely some wise words to live by.

Have an AMAZING week everyone!

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