Monday 21 May 2018

It is usually the small acts that mean a lot

Reputations matter, especially when it comes to doing business together. It is built on the way you treat people regardless of your status or how unimportant you deem them or their time to be. It is usually the small acts that mean a lot and go a long way.

I have been reaching out to someone who positions themselves as a “professional speaker” to discuss synergies for some time. My requests were met with deafening silence. 

Not so long ago, said person sent a mail requesting me to recommend and introduce them to my network. Interesting. 

I suggested we meet so that I could authentically recommend the person and understand how best to position them to my network. After three attempts to meet, (each meeting was rescheduled from their side), we, at last, agreed on a Skype meeting earlier this week. Our 09:00 meeting came and went. I received a one-liner email two hours later with a feeble excuse why the meeting was missed.  

[My phone does receive calls, text messages and even WhatsApps early in the morning, which might have been a more appropriate channel, explaining the situation prior to the meeting?] Clearly, my time wasn't deemed very valuable. 

Surely this is not how we should be networking, asking for recommendations and fostering relationships?

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