Wednesday 13 May 2015

Be for spontaneity

Isn’t it interesting how quickly we get into comfort zones? I will be the first to admit that I don’t like change. This I know, and am aware of, is very much in contradiction to everything business owner-related, where we live, work and breath in a constantly changing environment.

I like structure, planning and having a routine; this does admittedly sound incredibly boring, but there is something comforting in the predictability of it all. Although…with that said, one of my goals this year is to consciously be more spontaneous, truth be told I am actively planning to be more spontaneous! (…and to laugh more, we have all become way too serious; there is something incredibly liberating and therapeutic about a good belly laugh).

Through spontaneous activities you open yourself up to treasures the world has to offer, and amazing experiences you would have missed out on if you had not forced yourself out of that comfort zone. I am definitely trying to be more spontaneous and mindful of enjoying the moment more.

Take the other day as an example, Freedom Day. The Better Half and I have quite a set routine on our days off,  if surfing is not on the cards for the day, we do tend to slob around the house and catch up on PVR’d programs, treat ourselves to takeaways, and inevitably I end up falling asleep on the coach. But Freedom Day was different. It was one of those glorious autumn days in Cape Town, a chill in the air, with the sun out; it would have been a disgrace to spend the day inside on the coach. Surfing was not great, so after some negotiation and no set plan, we headed to the Company Gardens and ended up at the Cape Town Art Gallery. Here we spent the afternoon analysing, discussing and interpreting different artworks, and an array of black and white photos.

I think to some degree being spontaneous prepares you to take changes that take place, especially in a business context, more in your stride; change then becomes less daunting.  

One of our team members was recently head hunted, a proud moment for me for sourcing the talent, but an incredibly sad one as I was reminded that things do change and new chapters need to be written.

I would be surprised if anyone really loves and embraces change, although with that said, one of my friends an incredibly dynamic HR Director did say the other day over lunch that if she is given the choice between routine and constant change, she would definitely opt for change, that is the only way to grow, develop and to stay ahead of the trend. As much as I find change daunting,  I must agree. Without the pain, discomfort and uncertainty that change brings with it, life would be way too boring if we remained stagnant in our roles.  

What is the most spontaneous thing that you’ve done this year?

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