Thursday 19 September 2024

Brand Building: It's a Marathon, So Lace Up!


By Regine le Roux, Founder and Managing Director of Reputation Matters

How do you know someone is training for a marathon? They will tell you.

This year, I’m tackling my fifth marathon—because apparently, once wasn’t enough. Surviving such an endeavour (without questioning all my life choices) takes stamina and preparation. Sadly, ‘winging it’ isn’t an option, but neither is having the wrong coach or training plan. Last year, while prepping for marathon number four, the coach let me down, and the training program I ended up using, just wasn’t right for me. The lesson? Your strategy, training, and support need to be tailored to you and your goals. Stamina is key, and there are no shortcuts. You simply have to put in the work.

Running a business is no different. You need a clear strategy and strong support—not only to build your brand but to ensure it stands out. Your reputation is your stamina, helping you weather tough times and build a consistent brand that lasts.

In both marathons and business, quick wins only get you so far. You need a well-rounded plan: strength training, endurance, and yes, those dreaded hill repeats. The same goes for your brand—you need to go beyond flashy campaigns, media releases, or a TikTok video. It’s about steady, sustained effort, and making time for the tasks that may feel like a schlep but are essential for long-term success.

No Short Cuts: Plan for the Long Haul

Success—whether in running or business—starts with a solid strategy and plan. Your strategy should outline clear goals, milestones, and metrics to track progress. A well-crafted plan provides guidance on what to do, when to do it, and for how long. I’ve learned (the hard way) that one-size-fits-all approaches rarely work. You need a plan tailored to your business and its unique challenges. Just like in training, consistency in your actions and communication builds the foundation for a strong reputation. Understand your audience, know your strengths, and trust the process. By knowing both yourself and your audience, you'll be better equipped to navigate challenges, adapt when needed, and stay on course for long-term success.

Core Values: The Energy Bars of Your Brand

A strong reputation isn’t built overnight—it’s the result of consistent actions aligned with core values. At Reputation Matters, we believe in building G.R.E.A.T.E.R businesses, guided by our values: Growth, Respect, Ethics, Authenticity, Trust, Excellence, and Relationships. These aren’t just buzzwords; they shape our decisions and behaviour, much like a disciplined training schedule.

Just as I ask myself whether that whole slab of chocolate (or glass of wine!) will help or hinder my marathon training goals, businesses need to ask if their actions align with their core values. Consistency between what you say and what you do is what builds reputation stamina, laying the foundation for long-term success.

Business Stamina: Strength Training for Your Brand

Running a marathon isn’t just about running. It’s about mental strength, nutrition, and cross-training—doing the tough stuff to prepare for the unexpected. Businesses need the same resilience. This means having the right processes in place and being ready for whatever challenges come your way. Preparation is key.

Fuel for the Finish Line: Teamwork and Tools that Drive Success

Just as good nutrition fuels a marathoner, a strong team and the right tools fuel your business. Surround yourself with people who share your values—they’ll drive your success. Equally important are the tools you use; without the right technology, systems, and resources, even the best team can be held back. It’s like trying to run 42.2 km in sandals—not a great idea. The right combination of a strong team and effective tools is essential for reaching your goals efficiently and sustaining success in the long run.

Consistency: The Long Run’s Secret Weapon

One training session won’t get you through a marathon, and one press release won’t build your reputation. Consistency in action and communication is crucial. Sporadic efforts can do more harm than good, so make sure your internal and external messages align.

Track Your Race: Measuring Progress Along the Way

Marathoners track their performance, and businesses should do the same with their reputation. You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Regularly tracking how your business is perceived helps you adjust and improve.

A strong reputation doesn’t mean you’ll avoid challenges—it just means you’ll be better prepared to handle them. Think of it as building crisis-proof stamina, one kilometer at a time.

Don’t Skip the Rest Days: Recharge for the Next Big Push

In marathons and business, rest is crucial. It’s tempting to push harder, but taking time to reflect and recharge is just as important for long-term success. Don’t skip the rest days—they’re as vital as the work itself. Listen to your body, and in a business context, listen to your stakeholders.

Building a brand is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time, consistency, and commitment to core values. With the right strategy, tools, and team, your brand will develop the kind of lasting reputation that goes the distance—no shortcuts, just results.



Wednesday 18 September 2024

๐ŸŒŸ Customize Your Re.Bag.Re.Use Bag! ๐ŸŒŸ


n the spirit of sustainability and supporting local, we're excited to offer a unique customization option for your Re.Bag.Re.Use bag! Partnering with a local entrepreneur, we’re now able to add your company’s logo or a personal name to our eco-friendly bags using off-cut wood. Perfect for your next corporate event or as a thoughtful, personalized gift.

Product Highlights:

๐ŸŒณ Materials: Made from repurposed empty bread bags, with straps crafted from fabric off-cuts. Each bag also includes a sturdy zip.

๐ŸŒณ Dimensions: 37 cm wide x 27 cm high

๐ŸŒณ Wholesale Price: R380 R290.90 each (for orders of 10 or more)

Not only will you be supporting local craftsmanship, but a percentage of each purchase goes to the Neighbourhood Old Age Home (NOAH) and the SPCA.

Interested? Let’s chat! We’re here to help you create something special. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’š

The Re.Bag.Re.Use Team

๐Ÿงถ ๐Ÿค—

083 3021528

More about Re.Bag.Re.Use

Re.Bag.Re.Use, the initiative behind crocheting these shopping bags, addresses poverty and plastic waste by empowering people to earn income through repurposing plastic bags into multifunctional products and artworks. Focused on socio-economic development and environmental sustainability, this initiative uplifts individuals and promotes stewardship. Currently, seven women cut plastic bags into strips and 16 crochet products, benefiting 23 households in Imizamo Yethu, Hout Bay. Besides earnings, a percentage of each sale is donated to the Neighbourhood Old Age Home (NOAH) and the SPCA.